1.Transparent Frog
2.Transparent Head Fish
3.Transparent Butterfly
4.Transparent Squid
Found on the southern hemisphere's oceans, the Glass Squid (Teuthowenia pellucida) has light organs on its eyes and possesses the ability to roll into a ball, like an aquatic hedgehog. It is prey of many deep-sea fish (eg goblin sharks) as well as whales and oceanic seabirds.
5.Transparent Zebrafish created by scientists
6.Transparent Icefish
Fund in the cold waters around Antarctica and southern South America , the crocodile icefish (Channichthyidae) feed on krill, copepods, and other fish. Their blood is transparent because they have no hemoglobin and/or only defunct erythrocytes. Their metabolism relies only on the oxygen dissolved in the liquid blood, which is believed to be absorbed directly through the skin from the water. This works because water can dissolve the most oxygen when it is coldest. In five species, the gene for myoglobin in the muscles has also vanished, leaving them with white instead of pink hearts.
7. Transparent Amphipod
8.Transparent Larval Shrimp
Found in the in the waters around Hawaii , this transparent larval shrimp piggybacks on an equally see-through jellyfish.
9. Transparent Salp
This jellyfish-like animals known as Salps feed on small plants in the water called phytoplankton (marine algae). They are transparent, barrel-shaped animals that can range from one to 10cm in length.
10. Transparent Jellyfish